- Our skilled team of professional marketing agents are trained and received certificates by HPD and are equipped with the most up to date software systems to process applicant files in a quick manner.
- Our software allows us to process 10’s of thousands of applicants at once in order to save precious time in rejecting the applicants who aren’t eligible.
- com offers exclusive pictures of the interior of each affordable unit, this tool allows the applicant to handpick the specific unit they wish to apply for capitalizing the advantage of not wasting time with unnecessary paperwork and back and fourth with potential applicants who wont end up leasing the units since they didn’t see pictures prior to applying and the unit is not applicable to their desire.
- During the months of the marketing process we constantly update the owner with up to date details on the stage of the marketing.
- Reside New York works closely with free market brokerage firms who assist us in getting eligible applicants to apply for the program, which result in a fast and swift process.
Sit back and relax knowing that “Reside New York” is committed and will take on full responsibility of your affordable marketing and simplify the complex and detailed process.
Try us once you wont regret it!
We are looking forward in discussing your project in detail, please feel free to contact us at:
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Or visit us at ResideNewYork .com to view all projects open to application in addition to upcoming and closed projects.
This article was published on: 11/20/18